Walk into the ocean with Iceland’s Drungi’s new single ‘Alda’


Iceland’s Drungi channel the vast landscapes of their homeland into eerie and powerful metal that will evoke a variety of emotions and cast the listener into folklore accompanied by exciting music. They are releasing their debut album “Hamfarir Hugans” on April 5th and the first look is with the single “Alda” (Wave), which is out now on YouTube. The band had the following to say about this release:

“Alda was the first official single off our upcoming debut album. Having been in the back of our bassist’s head for numerous years he presented it to the band and something clicked in everyone’s mind. Following the intense feeling of drowning in one’s emotion and the sometimes suicidal feelings one has following a downforce of emotion, the song emphasizes that feeling with a rhythm pushing the oceanic feeling forward.”

The band continues to say that the flow of writing for “Alda” was significantly faster than most of their other songs and it spoke to them in a way that many others had not and thus it received the first single spot along with the first track of the album. It was something they knew right away would be a song worth sharing with the masses. The suicidal imagery of the songs comes from the Icelandic saying “Að ganga í sjóinn” or “walking into the ocean”, which is still to this day a form of suicide practiced in Iceland. Something each member of the band can connect to.

Drungi, formed in 2019, is comprised of Sjafnar Björgvinsson on vocals, Rúnar Gunnarsson on lead guitar, Loki Gunnarsson on rhythm guitar, Magnús Ólafsson on bass, and Sandra Bergþórsdóttir on drums. The band has been on a steady rise, captivating audiences with their unique blend of rock, black’n’roll, and doom. Having played notable festivals such as Lemmy Rock Festival 2022 and Culture Night 2022, Drungi has become a force to be reckoned with in the Icelandic music scene.

Spotify – https://sptfy.com/Q5Mq

They are recommended for fans of Sólstafir, Skálmöld, and Gojira, “Hamfarir Hugans” is due out on April 5, 2024, and is available for pre-order at https://drungi.bandcamp.com.

Track Listing:​
​1. Alda – 5:42​
​2. Þoka – 7:00​
​3. Ófærð – 5:15​
​4. Skriða – 3:34​
​5. Frost – 4:42​
​6. Skjálfti – 4:20​
​7. Kvika – 7:31​
​8. Myrkur – 6:17

Album band lineup:
Magnús Addi Ólafsson – Bass
Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson – Lead guitar,
Sjafnar Björgvinsson – Vocals,
Markús Loki Gunnarsson – Rhythm guitar,
Kristján B. Heiðarsson – Drums

Live band Lineup:
Magnús Addi Ólafsson – Bass
Rúnar Gauti Gunnarsson – Lead guitar,
Sjafnar Björgvinsson – Vocals,
Markús Loki Gunnarsson – Rhythm guitar,
Sandra María Bergþórsdóttir – Drums

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