Visigoth announce new album and European tour


American heavy metal champions Visigoth will release their sophomore album, ‘Conqueror’s Oath‘, via Metal Blade Records on the 9th of February 2018. As a first taste of the highly anticipated record, these denim-clad barbarians give us the devastating single “Warrior Queen“.

Visigoth - Warrior Queen (OFFICIAL)

Your epic journey into forgotten realms will be facilitated thanks to the delicous silver-and-blue artwork painted by Belgian master Kris Verwimp.

For more information on the album, read the press release in all its overstated glory:

Standing in staunch opposition to any presumptuous notion of “reinventing the wheel”, VISIGOTH dedicates themselves to worshipping at the ageless altars of heavy metal with a singular focus on writing music inspired by their favorite records. Whether whipped into a frenzy ignited by classic USPM or NWOBHM anthems, or pensively meditating on traditional epic heavy metal or weighty doom-inspired moments, these Salt City hessians wear their influences proudly on their sleeves. With their new 2018 long-player ‘Conqueror’s Oath‘, VISIGOTH stays true to the title and conquers the sophomore slump blues with 8 iron-forged anthems of pure metal magick guaranteed to satiate the hunger of the rock’n’roll hordes! Returning to the depths of the Boar’s Nest in their hometown of Salt Lake City to record once again with engineer extraordinaire Andy Patterson (SubrosaDeathblowDreadnought, et al), ‘Conqueror’s Oath‘ was hammerforged in a whirlwind month of mayhem and mastered by Dave Otero of Flatline Audio (Satan’s HostNightbringerKhemmis, et al).

Hell-bent for leather and heeding the call of the road, the Utah-based barbarians will be summoning their sonic storm throughout Europe in February and March following the record’s release. Truly a band that thrives in a live setting, VISIGOTH are eager to prove their metal mettle and crush any stage put before them – be it the open air of a festival rig or the murky obscurity of a hidden dive bar, you can count on this American quintet to bring the thunder! Prepare for the onslaught of Salt City Steel!

VISIGOTH European tour
Feb. 17 – Wurzburg, Germany – Metal Assault Festival
Feb. 18 – Oldenburg, Germany – MTS Records Store
Feb. 19 – Berlin, Germany – Cortina
Feb. 20 – Leipzig, Germany – Four Rooms
Feb. 21 – Wien, Austria – Escape Metal Corner
Feb. 22 – Innsbruck, Austria – Livestage
Feb. 23 – Dornbirn, Austria – Schlachthaus
Feb. 24 – Lunen, Germany – Swordbrothers Festival
Feb. 25 – Genk, Belgium – Flashback
Feb. 27 – Barcelona, Spain – Rocksound
Feb. 28 – Zaragoza, Spain – Sala Lopez
Mar. 1 – Madrid, Spain – Sala Live
Mar. 2 – Ljungby, Sweden – Turbofest
Mar. 3 – Niederjossa, Germany – Full Metal Fest
Mar. 6 – Goppingen, Germany – Zille
Mar. 7 – Leiden, Netherlands – De Noble
Mar. 8 – Marburg, Germany – Szenario
Mar. 9 – Weiher, Germany – Live Music Hall
Mar. 10 – Hamburg, Germany – Hell Over Hammaburg Festival