News Posts

The running order, some more bands for the cosy K.A.L. area announced and full line-up for the warm up party of Brutal Assault!

Where to go and what to do during Gentse Feesten if you’re looking for something heavy and alternative? We listed it up for you!

John Garcia has to cancel his earlier announced European tour, but no worries: he’s still coming!

King Dude is releasing a new album and will be touring Europe coming Fall!

Therapy? unleashed a video for their brand new single!

A’priori unleashes some classic hard rock on you with a video for “Better Man”!

Ghost’s latest release is soaring high in the music charts! Catch them live at the festivals this Summer!

Riverside is moving on and is working on releasing a new album via their longtime partners InsideOut Music and are announcing a tour in support of that!

Lemori re-news their contract with Wormholedeath for their upcoming album and are gearing up to records new material!

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