Photo Reports

Pentagram on Roadkill 2017

For years and years I go to the Roadkill Festival in Waarschoot, BE. After all these years this festival became a gathering of friends in the wide area of Waarschoot. Not only the numerous friends there make it noteworthy, also the organizers manage to get hell of a line-up!

This edition is no exception to this habit: They managed to get Pentagram, Thunder Mother, Acid King and Raketkanon. Also bands like Eyes on the Machine, Huracán, Hedonist and Fire Down Below entered the stage!

Festival Reports

The 11th edition of Roadkill Festival was one to remember, with excellent performances by Raketkanon, Acid King, The Lords of Altamonts, Pentagram and many more!

Album Reviews

Een natte droom wordt werkelijkheid

Twee jaar na zijn eerste optreden presenteert Hermànn zijn allereerste ep.

Gig Reports

Muzikaal geweld in de handelsbeurs.