News Posts

Mayhem has found a new home under the form of Century Media Records!

Norwegian black metal legend Abbath announced a new upcoming album!

Norwegian violent black metallers of Njordevel are back to rip you a new hole!

1 loss, 2 gains: Brutal Assault is bringing early Christmas gifts for you all!

The Sabbathian set the release date for their highly anticipated debut album!

Gaahls Wyrd partners up with Season of Mist for the release of their upcoming debut album and will be touring Europe next year!

Norwegian royalty Dimmu Borgir will set Tuska 2019 stages aflame and family festival no more…

Beauty from the North Sylvaine releases yet another track from her upcoming new album!

Sylvaine drops a first song of her upcoming album of pure beauty…

Shining made a complete turn musically and deliver some catchy rocking stuff!

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