News Posts

1 loss, 2 gains: Brutal Assault is bringing early Christmas gifts for you all!

The Sabbathian set the release date for their highly anticipated debut album!

The first unrelenting track of the upcoming new album by Obliteration, right here, right now!

Gaahls Wyrd partners up with Season of Mist for the release of their upcoming debut album and will be touring Europe next year!

Beauty from the North Sylvaine releases yet another track from her upcoming new album!

Sylvaine drops a first song of her upcoming album of pure beauty…

Shining made a complete turn musically and deliver some catchy rocking stuff!

Music pioneer Ihsahn is releasing a new album later this year and gives us a taste already now with a video for “Àmr”!

A hard-hitting headliner for this year’s edition is announced, in good company of some really cool bands…

Another 10 names thrown into the mix and things are only getting more interesting…