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Album Reviews

While waiting for the next full length, Khemmis’ new EP, filled with rarities, covers and live tracks, will serve as an excellent appetizer for one of epic doom’s most promising newcomers.

Solothus released a staggering album and it’s very close to the level of a masterpiece, recommend for fans of Convulse, Krypts, and Rippikoulu.

Ruin Lust’s newest album “Choir of Babel” is essential for fans of war metal.

‘The Palms of Sorrowed Kings’ is the 3rd output by the trio who found their niche of combining folk music and medieval black metal.

If you crave for some filthy slab of primitive death metal with hints from Autopsy, Necrot and Coffins then look no further.

Nightfell borrow the elements of 90’s death metal and turn their sound into crushing obscure dirges.

Tomb Mold seems to venture into the darker sphere of morbidity and it somehow feels that the new tracks show a propensity towards the slow mid-pacing death metal style.

Grimy and murky is what Cerebral Rot brings into the world of death metal…

Superstition delivers an extreme album that mixes old school death and thrash with great success!

“Cease to Exist” is Noisem’s best effort to date and it has all the grinding elements of old school metal, this is more of a mixed up styles which have been compacted into one massive package.


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