Primitive Man – Caustic

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Primitive Man has only been around for about 5 years now and is releasing its second full length under the moniker of Caustic. Between their debut Scorn and this release they have released a handful of demo’s and splits onto the world. There is actually a very big difference in quality between this release and what they released way back in 2013. It almost didn’t seem possible but this album is even more aggressive, heavy, filthy and straight into your face than their previous works.


Arkon Infaustus has been rumored to release the heaviest and most extreme record of 2017 but this American trio is certainly well matched and a very good competitor in this category. Primitive man still combines doom, sludge and noise metal but it appears that the sludge and noise elements are ever more present in the final mix than in the previous cases. Even the vocals of Ethan McCarthy have become even deeper and more raw than they were on Scorn. This has even become to the extend that even Greg Chandler (Esoteric) and Attila Cishar (Mayhem, Sunn 0))) a.o.) would not want to meet him in a dark alley.

PRIMITIVE MAN - Victim (Official Music Video) - CENSORED

When discussing the structure of the songs themselves, Primitive Man still plays straightforward doom metal albeit it slightly more evolving to Funeral doom. In their previous works they sometimes mixed in some hints to death and thrash metal but these appear to have been abandoned and even completely dissipated from the sound. Caustic has become a very worthy sophomore album and follow-up for Scorn, it doesn’t leave anything standing on its way and results in maximum destruction everywhere it goes. This is a perfect record for those drowsy and rainy autumn nights.

Releas date: October 6th, 2017
Label: Relapse Records
1. My will
2. Victim
8.Sugar hole
9.The Weight
10. Disfigured
11. Inevitable
12. Absolutes


  • Music9/10
  • Lyrics/Vocals9/10
  • Production7/10
  • Artwork9/10
  • Originality8/10
8.4"Caustic" has become a very worthy sophomore album and follow-up for "Scorn", it doesn't leave anything standing on its way and results in maximum destruction everywhere it goes. This is a perfect record for those drowsy and rainy autumn nights.