Tuhdimmat Tahdit 2024 – Day 1 (05/07/2024)

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Tuhdimmat Tahdit decided to really switch things up this year. With the most obvious change being the entirely Finnish line up this year, which I must say was missing a little bit of something extra in my opinion.

The other big change this year was the switch from two stages to one. After having numerous troubles on the smaller stage last year, I think it made a lot of sense to just focus on one stage this time around. I also found the festival day to be much more relaxed this way. Because of the half an hour breaks, there was enough time to just hang out and chill with friends between bands, which in my opinion is just as important part of festivals then watching the bands. I did hear some other people complain about his thought, so I guess this depends on personal preferences.

Lastly to still have enough time to fit a reasonable amount of bands the starting time of the festival had to be pushed forward to 13 o’clock, which could have been a problem, but I guess due to the new date in July enough people were on their holiday, and therefore it didn’t seem to affect the huge crowed that was lining up in front of the gets to get in right when the doors open.

Kotiteollisuus started the day under the cover of the dark clouds hovering oppressively over the festival grounds. But while the weather looks like a storm is brewing, they still managed to bring some sunshine to my mind. Somehow their easy going and seemingly not too serious performance turned out to be a great way to start the day.

Just before Marko Hietala and his band enter the stage, the clouds open their gates as well, but luckily, as it turns out, they don’t hold up to their appearance at all. After just a few songs the rain is over and while the clouds keep retuning we get to enjoy the rest of the festival with dry feet. Other than the clouds, Marko and his band can absolutely hold up to their image. They even blessed us by playing some relatively new music in the form of ‘Left on Mars‘ which had been released in spring of this year.  At the end of the set, Marko Hietala just says “Well, see you tomorrow” with a pleasant little smile on his face.

Next up is Lost Society, who bring a whole different of level of energy to the festival. Samy Elbanna never fails to get the crowd fired up, and so not too surprisingly some pits start forming in front of the stage. I’m getting too old for that much action, and so I use the chance to check out the new festival layout and all that it has to offer. One of the new things is a cocktail bar with some comfy looking beach chairs, and I can’t resist trying some Piña Colada Spritz.

Before long, it’s already time for one of Finland’s legendary bands: Stratovarius. Who played a good mix between their most famous hits and more recent material.

Afterwards it’s time to go back to Finnish with some good old thrash metal from Mokoma and later Stam1na. Both of these offered a good chance to release some more energy, as they make sitting still nearly impossible.

The day is starting to feel long, but there’s no rest for the wicked and as soon as Amorphis started playing all tiredness is blown away. There’s no big surprises in the setlist, but that isn’t necessary at all anyways. They end day 1 more than properly, with one hit after another. When ‘The Bee’ can be heard, I know it’s time to go home and rest up for the second day of Finnish festival madness.

Also check out the pictures of day 2 here

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