Megaherz X Combichrist (Tonhalle, Munich) – 14/10/2023

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The Tonhalle was huge for just one person, and without fear of facing an audience that probably wouldn’t be his, JANOSCH MOLDAU came on stage. In about half an hour, fearless, he managed to present his synth-pop songs and have the visibility needed to win over new followers – a thankless task, but always worth it!

When the veterans Combichrist take to the stage, they have no pity for those in front of them, “massacring” those present with an outpouring of energy and power that makes your whole body vibrate and your ears bleed. The mix of electronic beats and ultra-heavy guitar riffs is the perfect combination for those who like genuinely alternative sounds. Andy LaPlegua and his mates worked up a sweat and were always very interactive, to the point where the stage was no longer the limit and bassist Elliott entered the middle of the riot and crowdsurfed while playing his instrument.

Closing the evening, Megaherz performed new songs from “In Teufels Namen” and, of course, old favourites from their long career. In front of their most loyal audience and playing at home, they gave a relatively warm but consistent concert, with good lighting and stage sound.

Megaherz setlist:

In Teufels Namen
Roter Mond
Alles Arschlöcher
Vorhang auf
5. März
Nicht in meinem Namen
Glas und Tränen
Für immer
Der König der Dummen

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