Talking about beer, phones and the “good old days”…

Take a Belgian dip with the Wild Lies!

Get to know the old and the new James Michael.

Een Swinkelend legioen in de Lounge.

A talk with Steven Wussow of Xandria about touring, covers and festivals…

A talk with the guys from French melo death band Think Of A New Kind (T.A.N.K.)

Interview with a Belgian glam band who believes they were conceived on the Sunset Strip in 1984!

A talk with the Brazilian ladies of Nervosa.

Omophagia means the eating of raw flesh. The band’s brutal death metal will consume you and leave your bones to rest.
An interview with leadsinger Beni.

Voorafgaand aan een heel toffe avond in De Kreun in Kortrijk hadden we de eer om met de volledige band Dyscordia te praten over de laatste verwikkelingen rond het nieuwe album!