Interview Lordi – “I don’t want to see myself. I like to see Gene Simmons and fucking Freddy Krueger.”

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Lordi is yet again releasing another album, there never seem to be a stop on the creativity flowing out of our favorite monsters from Finland! With ‘Limited Deadition’, we’re getting another serving of the classic and signature sound we’re used to from them, and a lot of the lyrics and puns are inspired by Mr. Lordi’s decades long fandom and collecting. Time to sit down with the illustrious frontman and have a chat about said album and more…

We got Mr. Lordi in front of us at the end of a long day fueled by Pepsi and cigarettes, excited to get the press day wrapped up. Though he’s pretty happy to talk about the upcoming album, saying that musically it’s basically still the same old shit, like a follow-up album to the previous release ‘Screem Writers Guild’. Compared to that album, the theme of 80s toys, action figures, commercials and TV shows, is a way more loose theme, but a theme nevertheless. He had all these visual influences like Rubik’s Cube and such, but it’s kind of hard to write a (Lordi) song about a Rubik’s Cube, so they didn’t and kept the theme loose.

With every new album, there are also new costumes for the whole band. While at first it would seem that Mr. Lordi‘s hasn’t changed all that much, the mirror plates attached to it gives for a cool 80s disco aesthetic. And like he points out, the real fans might notice that it’s the same suit as the one he was wearing back with ‘The Arockalypse’, basically version 2.0. That album was a huge milestone for the band (featuring the Eurovision winning song ‘Hard Rock Hallelujah’) and is celebrating its 20th anniversary next year. So with that in mind, the choice of going for a new suit inspired by the one from that era was made with those celebrations kept in mind. The other band members got some cool upgrades as well. We discuss that Hiisi seems to have a more Predator look compared to his earlier swamp monster look, which perfectly fits with the 80s theme of the album. And Kone went even further down the cyborg route, with cool 80s colors and armor pieces, the first ever in Lordi history that are made of glass fiber, inspired by Star Wars and the look of Iron Maiden‘s Eddie on ‘Somewhere In Time’.

We continue our talk with a chat about their touring plans and the songs Mr. Lordi is looking forward to playing live, and him still having to work on the stage production for the new songs. But also his former love for WWE. He was a huge fan of the larger than life characters and crazy storylines from back in the 80s with Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior,…

For all of that and more go see the full interview on our Youtube channel or right here:
Interview Lordi -
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