Interview Crimson Sun – “Sorrowbreaker describes the whole album perfectly, breaking through some of our natural Finnish melancholy”

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It’s been since shortly before the pandemic properly hit Finland that Crimson Sun has released a new album. ‘Fates’ was a pretty solid album that maybe didn’t get the full attention from the world it deserved, but now they’re back to kick that same world awake and make them notice. Their third full-length ‘Sorrowbreaker’ is out on September 20th and feels like a fresh breath of air and a new, bright chapter for these lovely people. Time to sit down with a couple of them to have a quick chat about how things have been going…

We met up with Sini (vocals) and Joni (guitars) in Helsinki and at first had a bit of a chat about how they’ve been doing and how the summer was for them. Based on their regular posts about summer festivals, we teased out that Sini went to Nummirock this summer and was properly impressed with the show of Kerry King, while Joni didn’t get to go to any festivals himself. We immediately were laughing a bit that let’s hope next summer, possibly with Crimson Sun on the line-up of some of those festivals.

When talking about their new album ‘Sorrowbreaker‘ and the already released singles, it seems even though some of the songs are quite a bit different, they were all received pretty good. On this album, they’ve done a couple of different things that resulted in an album that sounds “lighter”, not necessarily in a way that it’s less heavy metal, but rather through a more upbeat or positive vibe overall. The themes sort of speak of “stop and enjoy life”, and the fact that when writing and recording the songs, they tried to trim down the amount of tracks they were using as much as they could leaving space for the songs to breathe only helped to amplify that feeling. When we asked them about what songs they’re really looking forward to bringing live finally, the selection boils down to a track to properly headbang to, a track that is vocally satisfying, and a track that will bring the party into any room they’re playing at.

They’re playing a couple of shows after the release of this album, and are hoping to be able to announce more soon, praying that some festivals will be included!

For all of that and more go see the full interview on our Youtube channel or right here:
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