Graspop Metal Meeting 2024 – Day 1 (20/06/2024)

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Graspop 2024, there was a moment where I thought this edition would be cancelled due to heavy rain fall. Just like what kind of happened to Wacken 2023, where people weren’t allowed to enter the festival anymore because there was so much mud, even the tractors would get stuck. Luckily, that didn’t happen. The festival continued, and it was a blast once again!


I started off the festival by watching Amaranthe in the rain. That didn’t matter though, we had a blast. Dancing on their beats and jumping around, Amaranthe made sure everybody had a great time. For clean singer Nils Molin, this would not be the last time we would see him, we will see him again tomorrow morning with is band Dynazty. Amaranthe gave a great selection of songs from different albums. From new to old, there was something there for everybody to enjoy. The rain was played away, we didn’t see much rain after Amaranthe left the stage.


Digital World
Damnation Flame
The Catalyst
The Nexus

That Song
Drop Dead Cynical

Bury Tomorrow

After Amaranthe, we ran to see Bury Tomorrow. We arrived too late to get a good spot, but their melodic metalcore reaches far and wide and makes everybody in the neighborhood bounce around. The set felt short and time flew by. They did only get to play 9 songs, but Bury Tomorrow chose a wide verity of songs which made a great setlist. My personal favorite ‘Earthbound‘ was part of it. Check them out if you are in to some heavy subject melodic metal core, played by a positive and all-inclusive band.


The Seventh Sun
Abandon Us
Black Flame
Villain Arc
LIFE (Paradise Denied)
DEATH (Ever Colder)

Kerry King

We all know Kerry King as the guitarist of Slayer, but I’ve never heard his solo project before. If you know what Slayer sounds like, you know what Kerry King sounds like. It was a bit less immersive than Slayer if you ask me, but then again, I’m not a huge Slayer fan. He played mostly his own stuff, but couldn’t get away without playing some Slayer songs as well. When he played ‘Raining Blood‘, the crowd went wild and sung the song and the melody along.


Where I Reign
Trophies of the Tyrant
Repentless (Slayer cover)
Two Fists
Idle Hands
Disciple (Slayer cover)
Raining Blood (Slayer cover)
Black Magic (Slayer cover)
From Hell I Rise


I’ve wanted to see Babymetal for a long time, but have missed them every time they were in the neighboring countries or in Belgium. This time, I finally got my chance to see them. It didn’t disappoint, it was a great show with mostly recent songs like ‘Ratatata‘, a song they recently made with Electric Callboy, but also some classics like ‘Gimme Chocolate’. I had hoped to see Electric Callboy perform Ratatata together with Babymetal, but that unfortunately didn’t happen. The song was still great, though. I’m happy I got to experience a Babymetal performance. Next to their music, their dancing skills are also great to see. It must be exhausting to sing and dance like that at the same time.

Babymetal - Distortion Live @ Graspop 2024


Brand New Day
Gimme Chocolate!!
Road of Resistance

Alice Cooper

Alice Cooper is great as always. Even though the man is over 70 years old, you don’t really notice it. The show is still great, all his greatest hits are in there, he plays with the crowd and thanks the great band and actors behind him at the end of the show. If you have seen him before, though, it seems to be the same show over and over again. But then again, fans might get angry if some hit songs aren’t played. So who knows, but the same show is, and will always be, nice to see over and over again.


Lock Me Up
Welcome to the Show
No More Mr. Nice Guy
I’m Eighteen
Under My Wheels
Bed of Nails
Billion Dollar Babies
Be My Lover
Lost in America
Hey Stoopid
Drum Solo
Welcome to My Nightmare
Cold Ethyl
Go to Hell
Feed My Frankenstein
Guitar Solo
Black Widow Jam
Ballad of Dwight Fry
I Love the Dead
School’s Out

This concludes the first day of GMM 2024. There was a lot of rain predicted for today, but there really wasn’t that much. There was a bit of mud, but not so much that basic shoes couldn’t handle it.

#GMM24 - Day Report - Thursday
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