“A boutique Metal festival in the heart of Slovenian nature where two beautiful rivers join. One of the Metalheads’ pilgrimage points for over 20 years!”
Dijaška ulica 18
5220 Tolmin
Get directions through Google Maps
The road towards Tolminator will lead you by the beautiful Alps and the Tolminator area is also part of the Julijske Alpe National Parks.
The festival is located at Sotocje, which lies inbetween the two mountain rivers called Tolminka and Soča. Therefore the festival offers us two beaches, to cool down and chill throughout the day and night!). The river Soca is one of the cleanest in Europe.
The festival is trying to work as much as possible in an ecologically acceptable way and in accordance with ecological guidelines e.g. separation of the waste and the usage of reusable cups.
Be sure to bring your swimming-wear and some water/surf-shoes. The beaches are covered with small stones so it will hurt your feet when you don’t wear something to cover them up.
You can bring inflatable animal / mattresse / boat /… to enjoy your time on the Soca river even more!
The food at Tolminator is really nice and there’s a great variety of stands.
Pizza, Sushi, Kebab, Soup, Pasta, Burger, Stew, Pad Thai, Spatzle and more… vegetarian, carnivore, vegan and gluten free options will be available.
The pricing of the food is very fair, Slovenia still is a lot cheaper than the festivals in Belgium. There is free drinking water which will be provided all over the area. At the camp area, you can use your own bottles for refilling the drinking water. You are only allowed to bring empty bottles to the festival area and fill them there. The drinks are good and reasonably priced and there’s a beer garden at the festival area, and also a special beer bar along the campsite road (at the “food court”).
You can also enjoy some delicious, fresh cocktails (including Cuba Libre, June Bug, Melon Ball, Pina Colada, Caipirinha, Mojito, Sex on the Beach, Tequila Sunrise, …)
To buy your own food:
HOFER (known as Aldi in our regions) is the official Tolminator supermarket, located at the entrance of the festival campsite.
Opening hours:
Monday – Saturday from 8:00 to 20:00
Sunday – CLOSED! (all the supermarkets and shops are closed on Sundays in Slovenia)
There are also some other supermarkets in Tolmin, on about a 5-10 minute walk from the campsite. (Mercator, Eurospin, …)
We’re sure you can find almost anything you would need, so it’s not really necessary to bring your own food from home (maybe just some good quality beers). You can also buy ice there, to keep your food/drinks cold.
Tolminator is working with a cashless payment system – the Tolminator paycard. To top up this paycard you need to go to one of the stands and put money on it (cash or with bankcard).
Step 1. Upon arrival you will receive your PayCard. It is mandatory!
Step 2. Load your PayCard.
Step 3. The personnel is going to deduct a small amount (€16 in 2024) from your PayCard for garbage deposit and the Tolminator PayCard deposit.
Step 4. Return your full garbage bags to the one of the garbage points during the festival time.
Step 5. Upon returning of garbage bags to the garbage points your PayCard will be topped up with the garbage deposit that was previously charged.
Step 6. Upon returning your undamaged PayCard to one of the PayCard points, you will get half of your Paycard deposit returned in cash. Half will be kept as service commission fee. (in 2024, it was €6 Paycard deposit, so you got €3 back).
If you did not spend all your money, and would like to get it back, simply go to cashier and you will receive the amount that is still on the PayCard in cash.
If you would need cash: There is an ATM at the Info Point, and at the supermarkets in Tolmin.
The campsite opens on Monday, 21/07/2025 at 12:00 (see Early Arrival terms below!*) and closes on Sunday, 28/07/2025 at 12:00
The campsite is available to festival guests free of charge from Wednesday, 23/07/2025, but is a subject to possession of a valid festival ticket/wristband!
Camping & parking areas are divided in 2 different sections:
- Parking & camping areas (field)
- Camping only (woods)
Camping is at one’s own risk, the festival promoter accepts no responsibility in any case!
*Early arrival is subject to Early Arrival fee €20 for arriving on Monday and €10 on Tuesday with possession of a valid festival ticket/wristband!
There is the possibility to get a power outlet at the campsite,
- 230V, 6A each
- Every outlet has its own RCD
- Every outlet comes with a limited 50 m² pitch
- Technician available from 8.00 until 22:00
- Users need to have their own cable. Suggested: at least 50m.
There are dixi-toilets on several places on the festival area and the campsite, as well as some flush toilets at select spots at and near the festival area.
Hot showers:
Opening hours:
• Monday, 22/07/2025: from 18:00 to 22.00
• Tuesday, 23/07/2025 until Saturday, 27/07/2025: from 08.00 to 02.00
• Sunday, 28/07/2025: from 08.00 to 12.00
Please be advised, that the shower center has limited capacity and it operates in the principle: first come, first served. In practice this means that hot water is available at all times, but if the capacity of the shower center is full, you will have to either stay in line for your turn or use the cold showers.
(The fee was €15 in 2024 for the whole week with unlimited entrance)
Every night from Wednesday until Saturday (01:00-05:00) there’s a crazy afterparty at the “Tropicana Disco” at the festival ground!