Tribulation proves that their modus operandi is unique and out of this world and the new album is yet another groundbreaking opus.

A selection of “pagan” folk releases from 2020 that our editorial team feels like you really should check out still if you haven’t yet.

Not including these records in my top 2020 was just too painful.

Tribulation releases yet another striking single in anticipation of the release of their upcoming new album!

Wardruna releases another mesmerizing and ritualistic single in anticipation of the release of their upcoming new album “Kvitravn”!

2021 promises to be quite the year again for new music releases! With our team we decided on some of the releases we’re looking forward to the most!

Our editor-in-chief Wim brings us yet again releases that are heavy as fuck with his albums of the year list! Hold on to your seats!