Today Leaves’ Eyes announced that they parted ways with Liv Kristine and that Elina Siirala will take her place. Here you can read their official statement: LEAVES’ EYES announce new singer Dear Fans and Friends, with the upcoming shows, tours and releases Leaves’ Eyes will introduce their new female singer: Elina Siirala, Finnish vocalist living […]

Dyscordia geeft ons een geweldige release show in een uitverkochte Kreun in Kortrijk! Support door Thurisaz en Fields of Troy.

An Evening With Knives needs your help!

The Spectors surf into B-movie territory in music video for Sharknado!

Official lyric video of Rotting Christs song Les Litanies De Satan just came online!

The dutch death metal band Bring On The Bloodshed has released their first official vidoclip for ‘Into the Labyrinth, the third track of their second album ‘Amongst the Ruins’ which was released earlier this year. You can find the review of their CD right here. Sit back, relax and enjoy Into the Labyrinth:

Naar huis gaan met meer vragen dan antwoorden: ook dat is mogelijk na een avondje uit in Het Bos.

Kilten en kostuums in een uitbundige Trix.

With a winning formula of classic metal drenched in a doomy athmosphere, Argus is one of the more exciting bands hailing from the American underground. On the second date of their recent European tour, Grimm jumped at the opportunity to talk about the group’s songwriting routines, recent line-up changes and upcoming album.