Bierliefhebbers, verenig u en take communion with Opeth!
Including Mayhem who will be playing ‘De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas in its entirety!
Death Metal Maandag in de Baroeg: de beste remedie tegen een saaie eerste werkdag.
These days it is very common that bands release one or more songs before they release a new album in its entirety. Recently some major bands in their genre have done just that. First up is Gojira, it hs been 4 years since they released their highly acclaimed ‘L’enfant Sauvage’. In june they will release […]
Voorafgaand aan een heel toffe avond in De Kreun in Kortrijk hadden we de eer om met de volledige band Dyscordia te praten over de laatste verwikkelingen rond het nieuwe album!
AC/DC‘s singer Brian Johnson has spoken to the world with a statement explaining his recent battle with hearing loss, clarifying the circumstances of his departure from the legendary Australian group’s current world tour. As many AC/DC fans know, the remaining shows for the 2016 AC/DC Rock or Bust World Tour, including 10 postponed U.S. shows, are […]
Yesterdag Aleah Liane Stanbridge passed away after her brave fight with cancer. She was 39 years old. Alot of people might not immediately recognise her name, but she has contributed to various songs of Amorphis and Swallow The Sun since 2009. She also released a solo album in 2007 containing songs which combined folk and gothic […]
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