They claim to be the leaders of the next nu metal revolution: Dropout Kings are here!

Godsmack is back with a new album soon! Go check out the first single and the short film/music video that goes along with it!

Arson has announced that they will release their debut EP on monday April 9th.

BFMV are back with a new album in June and are treating you with a first single to listen to!

No Science has a love for heavy music and this shines through in their “Heavy Porter”!

On monday the 26th of March, Fu Manchu played a killer show at Het Depot in Leuven!

We reviewed North Hammer’s debut ‘Stormcaller’ check it out here!

After shattering their own status as grandmasters of gothic doom a few years earlier with the groundbreaking, yet unorthodox ‘One Second’, they upped the ante and did away with their metal pedigree altogether on the daring, yet almost unanimously scorned ‘Host’.

I’d sell my single kidney to see them back to back with Perturbator again. If Carpenter Brut reigns over hell I’m already halfway there. 

I’d sell my single kidney to see them back to back with Perturbator again. If Carpenter Brut reigns over hell I’m already halfway there.