Curious for her upcoming new full release? Check out a little preview of some of her favorites that didn’t make the album!

Voor wie niet kan wachten tot de festivalzomer echt begint!

Yesterdag Aleah Liane Stanbridge passed away after her brave fight with cancer. She was 39 years old. Alot of people might not immediately recognise her name, but she has contributed to various songs of Amorphis and Swallow The Sun since 2009. She also released a solo album in 2007 containing songs which combined folk and gothic […]

Today Leaves’ Eyes announced that they parted ways with Liv Kristine and that Elina Siirala will take her place. Here you can read their official statement: LEAVES’ EYES announce new singer Dear Fans and Friends, with the upcoming shows, tours and releases Leaves’ Eyes will introduce their new female singer: Elina Siirala, Finnish vocalist living […]

Dyscordia releases their new album at De Kreun in Kortrijk.

Lacuna Coil’s upcoming Delirium got a little teaser last night.