Check out what Johannes Andersson had to say about Tribulation’s new album Down Below here!

Check out what Johannes Andersson had to say about Tribulation’s new album Down Below here!

The refined heavy guitars riffs are the secret key for Tribulations success ,always casting their magical moments with grim vocals, and rhythmic chord lines

Salt Lake City rockers Visigoth head out for new conquests on their second album.

Tasmanian black metal band Atra Vetosus presents us a new song, videoclip and tour dates!

We interviewed Diablo Blvd. when they arrived in Belgium from 70.000 Tons Of Metal. “We watched the Superbowl with the singer of Cannibal Corpse while a dinosaur was dancing on Justin Timberlake.”

We interviewed Diablo Blvd. when they arrived in Belgium from 70.000 Tons Of Metal. “We watched the Superbowl with the singer of Cannibal Corpse while a dinosaur was dancing on Justin Timberlake.”

I took them 13 years to release a demo and a single, but here’s the first album!

The popular metal outfit Trivium is back with album number 8 “The Sin and the Sentence” to prove that they’re the epitome of modern metal!

It’s intense. this album will eat you alive if you don’t stand up to it.