With all the celebration around the 20th anniversary of Emperor’s magnum opus ‘ Anthems of the Welkins at Dusk’ you might almost be forgiven for forgetting that Ihsahn has been running a very successful solo career for more than a decade.

The biggest fuzz-filled festival of the BeNeLux, Desertfest Antwerp, just dropped the first load of bands to play on this year’s edition.

Candlemass, the Swedish pioneers of timeless slowness are back in top form, distilling the essence of epic doom metal!

First video of the upcoming album, with new vocalist Tom!

Of Mice & Men deliver yet another music video and announce their special guest spot on the Bullet For My Valentine Europe tour!

Twitching Tongues was born in the LA hardcorescene in 2009, but they’ve created their own dark sound that doesn’t fit in only one genre. It’s a unique blend of metal and hardcore, think Type O Negative meets Agnostic Front meets Pantera.

A crossover partythrash band that thrives on alcohol without a band beer? Not possible! So here is Turbowarrior of Steel’s “Crossover Partybeer”…

Spoil Engine embarked on an eight date-tour in China. We’ve talked with singer Iris Goessens about their biggest crowd ever, work obligations and bulldick soup.

Spoil Engine embarked on an eight date-tour in China. We’ve talked with singer Iris Goessens about their biggest crowd ever, work obligations and bulldick soup.