There we go again: 70000tons of Metal is gearing up to sail out again with some of the coolest bands in the world!

Dragony will bring another dose of their epic metal, celebrating the heroes of (pop)culture and beyond!

The Swedish vikings are here to unleash war upon thee! Check out the first track!

The heavy metal legends of Diamond Head are coming your way!

Death metal legends Skinless delivers one hell of a portion of “Savagery”!

Supreme doom trio Conan unleash a first track from their upcoming new album! War snails!

Superdeathflame is far from dead and buried and they prove it with the new single “Dead is Dead”!

Check out the hilarious new music video my grindcore legends Pig Destroyer!

Torchia brings you a cool video before leaving on their European tour!

One of this generation’s guitar virtuosi, Euge Valovirta, releases his first ever solo album for you to get your rock on!