Would you like to know how Guilty As Charged is doing 4 years after their last album? Find out here in this interview I had with the band.

Would you like to know how Guilty As Charged is doing 4 years after their last album? Find out here in this interview I had with the band.

Yet another promising edition of SteelChaos is quickly approaching, ready to envelope us in darkness…

A combination of young & old talent at Asgaard; pictures here!

Kamelot singer

Photo coverage from Kamelot and Leaves’ Eyes’ final show on their 2018 European tour. Shot in the Entrepot in Bruges, Belgium.

Brazilian Mystifier is about to set Europe shores ablaze with their traditional black metal!

Season of Mist signs another promising artist to their roster…

Geeky good times aside, Gama Bomb still have a penchant for social commentary, criticizing current events with a sharp and witty sense of humour.

Check out the pictures of a very atmospheric evening here!