It is affirmative to say that The Quebec lads of Outre Tombe are capable to match the sound of the classic sound of 90’s era, “Necrovortex” is a rudiment record and has this brutish flavor.

Brutal Assault unleashed another batch of new names for the 2019 edition of the festival!

With a moniker like The Sabbathian you’d almost be disappointed if the band didn’t display some serious hero worship at the altar of Iommi, yet it’s not quite so retro as you might think. This dynamic duo mixes in a lot of unexpected twists and turns, from Burzumesque guitar hissing to a duet with Liv Kristine.

Kamelot’s last stop with The Shadow Tour Europe was at Het Entrepot in Bruges, Belgium. Find out how that turned out and how exclusive the set from special guests Leaves’ Eyes actually was.

Finnish death metal band De Lirium’s Order reveals a first look at their upcoming new album “Singularity”!

Teleport is ready to blow your mind and expand your being… Check it out!

A night of heart-warmingly happy, crazy and joyeus (folk) metal is just what the doctor prescribed against the gloomy Finnish Winter weather!

The pictures of a night with good folk metal, supported by some great Finnish metal bands!

Ossuarium’s “Living Tomb” is an album that lives up to the hype. And can surely withstand the erosion of time and space, I would proudly place this album right beside Disma’s debut album “Towards the Megalith”.

Satan. Yes, we did an interview with Gaahl (Gorgoroth, God Seed, Gaahl’s Wyrd,…) at Hard Rock Fest Avelgem 2018.