It’s been about a year since I last saw Children Of Bodom, perfect timing for another show by them!

Torchia releases a brand new song with a haunting video!

Dive into the maelstrom that is Tchornobog and journey across the moonless night sky of black metal, cavernous abysses of death and desolate wastelands of doom.


We caught up with the Viking from Warkings to talk about battles, ancient stories and being send by the gods on a mission!


We caught up with the Viking from Warkings to talk about battles, ancient stories and being send by the gods on a mission!

Japanese grave robbbers Coffins bring the doom once more on a long overdue new full-length ‘Beyond the Circular Demise’.

We had a chat with Ted Lundström of Amon Amarth. We’ve talked about Berserker, touring, club shows, technology, books and the battlestrategies during the battle of Winterfell.

We had a chat with Ted Lundström of Amon Amarth. We’ve talked about Berserker, touring, club shows, technology, books and the battlestrategies during the battle of Winterfell.

Cult black metal band The Deathtrip is setting up to release a new album in November!

To celebrate a new chapter in their career, Like Moths To Flames released a brand new single!