Canadian power metal masters Unleash the Archers unleash another epic track from their upcoming album ‘Abyss’ with a cinematic music video!

Lantern accelerates beyond the spectrum of the usual patterns of old school death metal. This is a very highly recommended album.

The black ‘n’ rollers of The Vice release yet another track from their upcoming debut album ‘White Teeth Rebellion’ right now!

With members from the ocean faring mastodons of in Mourning and Ahab, Svärd has set a psychedelic sail on the sludgy seas of heavy metal with their first EP ‘The Rift’.

Progressive black metallers of Enslaved unleash the giants in a frost-bitten video for their new track ‘Jettegryta’!

Swedish metal institution Avatar unleashes another track from their upcoming epos “Hunter Gatherer” upon the world. Check it out!

Texas-based melodic deathcore outfit Crafting The Conspiracy unveils a first look at the continuation of their Cosmic Key trilogy!

The mighty Warkings have gathered yet again and release a new single and video for “Maximus” from the upcoming release “Revenge”!

Godfathers of grindcore Napalm Death announce a brand new upcoming album, time to get brutal!

Kamelot is gearing up to release a live CD and DVD of the epic show they had at The 013 in the Netherlands by releasing a new live video!