A collection of highly skilled Dutch metal musicians gathered and are releasing yet another groovy death metal release as Purest of Pain!

UK black metal masters Winterfylleth are taking us on a trip to Ancient Britain with their upcoming acoustic and atmospheric folk-inspired release…

Vomitor has set a release date for their new album Pestilent Death, check it out here!

Order of torment can be a good example of demonstrating the modern death metal sound with the classic death metal.

Thy Feeble Saviour have released a new track from their upcoming album, check it out here!

ALTARAGE has announced more tour dates, check them out here!

Despite of the straight forward crust death metal style, the aim was rather simple than having a varied sound.

Barren Earth is coming to you soon with another of their prog/death metal masterpieces! Get a taste of one of their more “unconventional” songs now!

Metallica has won the Swedish Polar Music Prize, check out the details here!