Ever since the untimely demise of Cathedral it has fallen upon Witchsorrow to carry the lantern of doom across Albion’s shores.

The sound of filth, disturbance and lack of sanity

At War with Reality was entirely loaded with memorable riffs and fast pacing melodic death metal tracks, yet the latest album is immensely great.

The debut show of Cyhra was quite the event and support bands Eyes Wide Open & Ember Falls made it even more interesting!

Pacific Northwest black metal band With The End In Mind is set to release an epic piece of brooding music!

Defiatory’s second album contains heavy, thrashy riffs and puts Sweden on the map of thrash metal!

Finnish melodic death metal band Mors Subita is back again with their third full length. 11 crushing tracks that fans of the genre will definitely enjoy.

Hexa Mera unleashes one of their more intense new songs on the world with a just as intense video!