Summer vacation officially began and Antwerp started it with a bang! On the first weekend of July Bouckenborgh Parc hosted the 6th edition of Antwerp Metal Fest. That’s right, the 6th one already and oh my, how they’ve grown.

Summer vacation officially began and Antwerp started it with a bang! On the first weekend of July Bouckenborgh Parc hosted the 6th edition of Antwerp Metal Fest. That’s right, the 6th one already and oh my, how they’ve grown.

On a hot summer’s day in June the doom had come to Sint Niklaas, where at the cozy venue De Casino a small festival was held with some small, but no less exquisite bands: Shades of Black: The Doom Chapters.

With the release of their new album, Black Tusk is streaming it entirely for you to check out!

As far as splits go, the prospect of a collaboration between the barbarically raw Primitive Man and the apocalyptic drone sludge of Unearthly Trance should get any aficionado of murky, noise ridden doom drooling all over the floor.

Check out the details of the upcoming debut of Praise The Plague here right now!

Aseroe is bringing something atmospheric and progressive to black metal that is both hypnotic and terrifying…

In anticipation of the official release, Carnation is sharing their full new album on Youtube!

The Mexican natives of Tezcatlipoca are unleashing the powers of their ancestors onto you yet again in the nearby future!

We had a chat with one of the driving forces behind Tomb Mold, who delivered one of the best death metal releases of the year!