Happy deadly Christmas! Get excited already about next year’s Summer!

Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2016 will take place on the 16th and 17th of December in the Effenaar, Eindhoven.

Eindhoven Metal Meeting 2016 will take place on the 16th and 17th of December in the Effenaar, Eindhoven.

After 30 years still fighting for a common cause!

Black-Out Bash IV

The fourth edition of our partner festival Black-Out Bash: Evile, Gama Bomb, Spoil Engine, The Black Tartan Clan, Malism, Hope Erodes and DJ Mein Herz Bernd!

Warning! Weak heart or pacemaker? Stay away from this blistering piece of hyper thrash…

Hardcore or metal of a high quality? Evil or Die Fest offers you both on this year’s edition!

Oathbreaker created a strong, beautiful blend of black metal and hardcore inluences, blurring lines between genres.