Posts by Maxen:

Entries by Maxen

Finnish renowned veterans L.L. (all instruments), and M.M. (Vocals and lyrics) present their symphonic oeuvre under the moniker of Pestilent Hex. Debut album “Ashen Abhorrence” finds its way into the magical hallmarks of melodic/symphonic black metal of the early nineties and was released with Debemur Morti Productions.
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Archgoat perfectly embodies the ancient aesthetic of war metal in their latest four-track EP "All Christianity Ends" which plunges you into the morbid realm of the Luciferian darkness, and was released via Debemur Morti Productions!
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“A Call to Arms” is a top-notch death metal record filled with robust energy where Jungle Rot flawlessly nails its sound as somewhat of an "elite" band in the genre, out via Unique Leader Records.
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The third album 'Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones' orchestrates a high degree of professionalism that was absent in the sophomore 'The Horizons towards Which Splendour Withers'. On the whole, the song seems perfectly fitted to the style of technical death metal. The chugging riffs along with the drums stand out which somehow makes the song sound complex.
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Inanna makes a successful return to its cosmic realm of death metal with its third full-length album 'Void of Unending Depths' which establishes a creative era for the Chilean quartet and comes highly recommended for fans of Blood Incantation, Sulphur Aeon and The Chasm.
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