Wintersun – Time II

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Wintersun is a Finnish melodic death metal band formed in 2003 as a side project from Jari Mäenpää, but it grew out to be a real band after he left Ensiferum. Started in 2003 and now releasing their 4th album, so we can't call this band very productive. However, when they do release an album, it has always been a masterpiece. Now they are releasing 'Time II'. 12 years after releasing the first chapter, which I can say really was a masterpiece, we are going to find out if they can go bigger with the second chapter in the Time saga. Let's check it out below.

Just like the first chapter we start this second one with an instrumental intro piece of art called ‘Fields Of Snow.’ Wintersun like the name suggests has created again an album about the winter season. An incredible track that could be used as a film score where you see a field filled with snow. The East-Asian influence comes back in this part just like in ‘Time I.’ Further we go with an 10-minute epos called ‘The Way Of The Fire’ and they give it all that they’ve got. Every time you hear this song you discover something new and for a 10-minute song it never gets boring. From blasting metal to more melodic pieces with some fast blasting riffs, amazing solos together with some clean vocals: this song has it all, and I can’t even call this a song. This is a piece of art and I just get tears in my eyes when listening to this.

After that we get a more slow paced chapter called ‘One With The Shadows.’ Showing off with some magnificent musicians. They don’t care if they create something fast or slow. If it feels good, then it’s good enough to create. And boy it’s something real magical they create. Just listen to the solos hiding in the song itself that lift it to a higher level. After this we have an instrumental intermezzo called ‘Ominous Clouds’ with only a guitar and some sound effects in the background. Transforming into ‘Storm’ and in the background we hear an actual storm and the music itself heats up to a storm as well. When the lightning strikes it begins: 12 minutes long they are hitting you with everything they’ve got. I can’t describe in words how this feels. It just hits you with nothing less than magical musical power. And then it’s over, the storm passes by resulting in ‘Silver Leaves.’ The East-Asian influences are strongest in this song with an actual traditional Chinese instrument called the “erhu” being played in it, and is something special. It’s a long ending of a musical masterpiece. A masterpiece we call ‘Time II.’ Do I hear album of the year ? No, album of the century.

We waited 12 years for the second chapter of ‘Time.’ But it was worth the wait. This is a magical journey, a magnificent masterpiece. The holy grail of metal in my eyes. Wintersun does it again. They did something Metallica couldn’t. Overpowering ‘Master Of Puppets.’ ‘Time I’ was a masterpiece and nearly impossible to improve it and then there is ‘Time II’, better than ever, better than ‘Time I.’ Big words I know. Just listen and find out. I hope you will hear the same as I did.


  • Music / Songwriting 10/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 10/10
  • Mix / Production 10/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 10/10
  • Originality 10/10

12 years we had to wait for this masterpiece we call ‘Time II.’ Don’t know if there will be a third chapter to this, but if they choose to wait yet again another 12 years, I will be waiting, patiently.

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