Thundermother – Thundermother

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Get together and raise your hands to Rock’n Roll with the third album of Thundermother: ‘Thundermother’. They always say that the third album makes it or brakes it. After a serious line-up change, with only founder and lead guitarist Filippa Nassil staying as an original member, this album is, on the first ear, a maker and not a breaker. Even though the band members changed, the formula used for the songs is much of the same as before.

The first song ‘Revival’ gets the mood going with a pounding drum and riffs that are inspired by AC/DC’s ‘Back in Black’. The next song ‘Whatever’ continues the same powerful riffs, but ends kind of abruptly with lead singer Guernica Mancini shouting ‘Whatever!’. For some reason it sounds like the song isn’t over yet, if something is more to come. Yet it ends there.

In ‘Hanging At My Door’, clear traces of Ozzy Osbournes ‘Crazy Train’ can be heard. Also, it ends with a shout of ‘Now I’m taking back control’ and then it ends, leaving the ears hanging again. ‘We Fight For Rock ’n Roll’ sounds like the starting riff of Airbourne’s ‘Live It Up’. Again a song that doesn’t sound that original really. ‘Fire in the Rain’ is their first power ballad. That’s definitely a new touch to this album. It suits them, but it doesn’t make or brake the album. It is, however, an original song.

Thundermother goes full throttle throughout the whole album. No stopping the train when it took off. The destination of the train is clear though. Why not go to a somewhat unknown place instead of the ones you already know? It’s a powerful, pure Rock’n Roll album, but the feeling that it’s done before is there. Maybe that’s because the band is inspired by these other bands, or maybe it’s because all the other tunes are so famous that you hear them anywhere. I don’t know, but something of their own sound is missing in this one. It kind of gives you blue ears, if you know what I mean.

Release date: February 23, 2018.
Label: Despotz Records
01 Revival
02 Whatever
03 Survival Song
04 Racing on Mainstreet
05 Fire In the Rain
06 Hanging At My door
07 Rip Your Heart Out
08 The Original Sin
09 Quitter
10 We Fight For Rock ’N Roll
11 Follow Your Heart
12 Children On the Rampage
13 Won’t Back Down


  • Music8/10
  • Lyrics/Vocals8/10
  • Production/Mix7/10
  • Artwork/Packaging6/10
  • Originality4/10
6.6Does Thundermother make it or break it with their third album? The decision is for you to make. If you like the same formula as before, it's definitely a maker. If you’re looking for something original and unique, this might not be it.