Rothadás – Töviskert… a kísértés örök érzete… lidércharang

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Four years ago, the Hungarian death-doom masters Rothadás crafted a fine precision on the captivating debut album “Kopár hant... az alvilág felé", but with the new offering “Töviskert... a kísértés örök érzete... lidércharang” released via Pulverized Records and Me Saco un Ojo Records on March 21st, 2025, they ascend to the upper ranks of the sub-genre alongside Spectral Voice, Mortiferum, Krypts and Worm.

The morbid and desolate undertones of the six songs show the well-defined art of opting for a crushing slab of fast and slow, sludgy cavernous tempos. Rothadàs takes a primitive approach in providing brutal twists of monstrous death metal, which is the key element in which the band honed its songwriting significantly to make the riffs memorable.

The dreadful atmosphere on the opening track “Urnaszellem… szentek csontpora” evokes the malign figures on the album cover; its slow spine-chilling riffs and maddening drum beats burst towards utter heaviness, blending the unspeakable nature of the cavernous growls and the drum emphasizing blast beats.

Rothadás sets a petrifying atmosphere right from the opening moments, the lead guitar keeps the focus on the climax even more, capturing the crushing pace of the drums in the following song “Vértükör” which is just as impressive as the previous one. The ghoulish morbid grunts permeate the creeping rhythms, then the thundering drums rapidly speed up, and the tempo changes. The ferocity of the massive percussion and the rhythm guitar is the main drag in every song, creating an eerie ambiance and morbid sense of death-doom metal.

From the song titles that hint at black magic, divination, and the eldritch horrors that lurk beyond the veils, the music deeply possesses your soul and takes you to outer worlds where your spirit voyages between the hidden realms of darkness. The creepy atmosphere on “Sóhajok kapuja” meanders back and forth into more mid-paced, the gargantuan riffs that brood over the deep guttural growls imbue an atmosphere of dread that adds to the feeling of desolation.

The most haunting aspect of the sophomore is how Rothadás perfects its craft by emphasizing the doom-ridden riffs, and the deep cavernous growls seep with brutality. The slow parts are creepy, and the eerie aura of ambiance that Rothadàs perfectly balances all of these elements and leaves you wanting more. Dense riffing and the sludgy paces are well-placed on the album drawing similarities to Disma; this characterization is derived from the profound styles of traditional death-doom.

While the sophomore is significantly faster and more brutal than the debut, the production is massive and has that heavier sound. There is emphasis on mid-tempo and groove with the bludgeoning drums and lead guitars which sets the album apart from the debut, offering many memorable moments. The slower tempos are hauntingly captivating, their cavernous approach is very similar to Finnish death-doom metal bands.

The guitars create a swampy bleak atmosphere, with an echo of murky death metal carried between the paces of the punishing drums. “Tetemek tava… lidércek tánca” opens with a swell of tremolos the drums transition into faster brutal blast beats leading to swampy grooving sections and the lumbering doomy riffs are perfectly layered.

Rothadás (Hun) - Töviskert... a kísértés örök érzete... lidércharang (Album 2025)

Everything from the guitar arrangements to the morbid growling aesthetically fits in with the heaviness and brutality before ebbing into cavernous doom passages which conjures a morbid mood on “Sikoltó füst” and the final track “Az örök isten Lucifer”.

Unspeakable horrors creep as darkness befalls the listener in this nine-minute monolith track. Rothadás showcases its malignant cavernous form and reveals the splendor of the rhythm guitar when the atmosphere furls something dark, combining subterranean growls and brutal ferocity. The slower tempos make for the creepiest and most compelling moments imbue a bleak cavernous atmosphere and the drums transition to faster tempos.


  • Music / Songwriting 9/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 9/10
  • Mix / Production 10/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 10/10
  • Originality 9/10

With this excellent sophomore, the Hungarian duo deserves their place in the top echelon of death-doom metal.

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