Parfaxitas – Weaver of the Black Moon

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Apart from having very finely honed material, the international black metal super group Parfaxitas has brought their brand of dark esoteric music on the debut album 'Weaver of the Black Moon'. The band is formed by members of Merihem, Almyrkvi, Sinmara, Slidhr, Whoredom Rife and Manetheren. Their distinct style of incorporating elements from the second and third wave of black metal can easily create any atmosphere they like.

As a result, vocalist K.R and guitarist Nero convey a remarkable talent by capturing the meticulous nature of a darker malevolence. At the same time, drummer B.E. propels the songs to their climax and the bass guitar of YhA adds a gorgeous texture to the uncanny atmosphere of the guitars. Containing six blistering tracks, the album begins with a bold and unsettling approach of the guitars on the track ‘Breath of the Thoughtless Light’. The thunderous blast beats kick in and the droning tremolo-picked riffs explore the penchant of Icelandic and Norwegian sound which perfectly fits under the Trondheim brand of black metal while these elements are compressed to capture an air of mysticism.

Parfaxitas delves deeper into the realms of esoteric; the guitar expands its take on a more professional authenticity. Some similarities to bands like Akhlys come to mind when listening to the following song ‘Golachab: the Avenging Sword’ permeating nightmarish soundscapes. You can also hear the bass guitar humming in the background, backed by the malefic growls of K.R. The guitars are beautifully crafted even though much of the material on the debut album weaves mysterious, dark qualities and presents an exceptional way of creating hooks.

The melodic tremolos contrast with the blistering drums, which lay the groundwork for bleaker guitar sections until the thunderous drums instantly knock you out. ‘Ravens of Dispersion’ draws you deep into the slow cadence of the drums. Even the slowest passages that seem atmospheric, transform its eerie aura and once you focus on the songs, the music transports you through space and time. Parfaxitas’ debut album seeps a bleak monochromatic guitar tone. The songwriting is truly dazzling and mesmerizingly showcases the best elements that can brought into a modern band that professionally applies insightful ideas without sounding monotonous.

The fusion of the contemplative atmosphere brings plenty of hooks that provide a thrilling listening experience; songs like ‘Weaver Of The Black Moon’ and ‘Thou Shalt Worship No Other’ show the mysterious effect of the guitars that diffuses its subversive dark elements. The eponymous track shows measured balance of astounding work from the drums, intensely dynamic and the melodic leanings are breathtaking.

The drums are capable of matching the pace of the riffs at a remarkable speed that perfectly blends blast beats, double bass and powerful beats. Parfaxitas has a knack for blending complex guitar lines, but the air of dissonance isn’t much focused on the debut as the use of tremolos predominate the album.

The virtuosity of these members has brewed something of a morbid nature. The production is crystal clear and K.R delivers some of his best performances on the debut. There is some air of arcane aura that Parfaxitas brings to these songs, which rewards the listening session of the album. Especially the final epic song ‘Fields Of Nightmares’ is a twelve-minute cut that is out of this world.

The spellbinding intro of the guitar displays its aptitude for creating cinematic landscapes. ‘Weaver of the Black Moon’ is fully brimmed with memorable atmospheric sections. The songs find a great balance between unorthodox black metal and the multi-layered use of tremolos, melodies and ominous guitar riffs that dips too often into imaginative sonic landscapes. The songwriting methods of these talented musicians present profound ideas with an ability to wield their skills and create captivating songs.

The album offers many breathtaking moments giving them a sense of hunting and a powerful piece of black metal. The album cover displays the eerie theme that genuinely combines freighting, esoteric drawings that will make your heart stop to the apocalyptic visions.


  • Music / Songwriting 9/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 9/10
  • Mix / Production 10/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 8/10
  • Originality 8/10

Parfaxitas takes a unique approach to the forms of Scandinavian black metal. The debut album comes highly recommended for fans of Akhlys, Whoredom Rife and Sinmara.

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