Distant – Tsukuyomi: The Origin

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Distant is an deathcore band from The Netherlands. It's 2025 already, but these guys released another of their brutal creations in November 2024, and it was such a blast that I had to write about it. 'Tsukuyomi' is an EP that has been released back in 2017, but back then they didn't have the financial resources like they have today. So they couldn't let those songs get lost in history like they were. But they didn't only re-record the songs, they optimized the songs to how they would sound today and added 7 more songs, really fleshing this release out. So let's dive in and enjoy.

We began our journey with ‘The Pale Moonlight’ that after a short intro explodes in a brutal explosion of filthiness and technical brutality. I would think that ‘Fleshweaver’ would be a song from Lorna Shore, but it’s actually Distant. They all talk about the voice of Will Ramos, but you shouldn’t overlook the capabilities of Alan Grnja. No time to slowing down cause ‘Feast Of Misery’ is on its way and goes over you like a juggernaut. On this album, there are also some guest appearances. The most special one is Matthew K. Heafy who is known as the vocalist of the mighty Trivium. They didn’t ask him, but Heafy himself sent a text if he could contribute because he liked the sound of Distant, so ‘Torturous Symphony’ was born. High quality is passing in my living room, hope my neighbors doesn’t mind cause it ain’t over yet. Speaking of a juggernaut, ‘Cradled In Shards Of Glass’ gets the price “juggernaut of the year 2024”. Attention, a brutal beast is passing by.

‘Loveless Suffering’ is a lovely snack to smack you back in the face with ‘The Undying.’ The train of deathcore is still rolling and is not slowing down. What a monstrous sound. We reached the songs that were released on their earlier EP and are optimized with a new sound and wow, how much that is the truth. When you listen to The Apex’ a wall of sound is coming your way. A nice touch on 3 older songs that are optimized is that they have 3 guest appearances on 3 different songs. For the ‘Acolytes Of Damnation’ they asked Alex Erian from Despised Icon, and he only contributes a view sentences but already lifted it to a higher level. ‘Tsukuyomi’ has Travis Worland from Enterprise Earth and last but not least ‘Malice’ with David Simonich from Signs Of The Swarm. Great guys to have on a deathcore album. And the train has reached his end with ‘Broken Cross’ but we go out with an absolute banger.

Distant has that spark that helps them to stand out of the bunch of deathcore bands. And with friends like they have, it will not take long to reach the top.


  • Music / Songwriting 8/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 9/10
  • Mix / Production 8/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 7/10
  • Originality 7/10

Together with Lorna Shore, Distant is among those bands that are on the forefront of the new face of deathcore where brutality and originality is key.

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