Corpus Offal – Corpus Offal

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Cerebral Rot’s two albums sent shock waves through the underground death metal scene. Unfortunately, for some reason, the band decided to call it quits, only to re-emerge from the pool of feces like a decomposed corpse under the name of Corpus Offal. The band features Ian Schwab (guitar, vocals), Clyle Lindstrom (guitar), Jason Sacks (bass), and Jesse Shreibman (drums).

Now combined with members of Bell Witch and Autophagy, despite the prior demo, Corpus Offal’s self-titled debut evolved into dingy, grindcore akin to the malodorous sound of Cerebral Rot. This perfect combination of gurgling vocalization, gore-filled churning riffs, and violent bowel motion caused by the audible bass guitar has a focal role in creating a repulsive and grimy heaviness.

The six tracks gave me a flashback to the late ’80s and early ’90s death grind bands with the stench of gore spewing rancid landscapes covered in thick layers of puss-filled riffs, the opening track “Spinous Forms of Mortal Abhorrence” delivers a brutal magnitude. It feels like you are trapped in a swamp of filth. The repulsive ambiance is intensified by the serious churning of the guitars and pummeling drums, with lots of low gurgling vocals and heavy percussive tempos switching between death metal and grindcore.

Essence of Dissolution” captures the old-school death grind, but there is also an influence of early Finnish death metal bands like Funebre, the cavernous growls and the drums are reminiscent of General Surgery’s EP “Necrology”; the quartet excels as the guitars emphasize the rotten atmosphere of utter filth. The slower parts fit so well into the repugnant palette of the album with lots of fast-paced tempos and shredding leads, all these elements convey the putrid sound of Corpus Offal.

The major highlight of this debut would be the grooving sections thrown into this rotten concoction of bone-crushing brutality and the swampy aura that reeks of rancid sewage. The guitar shifts from one place to another and the drums bludgeon forcefully bulldozing you at a rapid pace the slow swampy riffs are best presented on the track “Corpus Offal” which seeps through the putrid-sounding riffs with the monstrous low grunts and growling that confine you in the dank basement while the haunting moments hover around you.

CORPUS OFFAL - Corpus Offal (Directed by Chris Eaton) 20 Buck Spin

The riffing on the album is rottenly brutalized, and the drums unfold slowly with the flowing echo that reminds me of Chris Reifert‘s styled-drumming, especially considering the focused songwriting, after multiple listens the influence seems strong. The grooves are masterfully brought to offer hints of gloom and doom death metal, and the lead guitars mingle into a claustrophobic atmosphere.

The gut-wrenching riffs constantly churn your stomach Corpus Offal explores a fabulous technique that comes into focus on “Gorging Gastric Decedent” which offers a gore-soaked brutality. The vocals consist of growls, and low-end grunts that break in blasting sections; the grimy guitar creates a loud reverberation and pulls out sloppy primitive riffs.

The music is indescribable, filled with an infectious radioactive atmosphere. There are no words to characterize the precise arrangements of songwriting as every riff, power chord, and pulverized drum pattern meticulously glues these pieces together. The bludgeoning grinding beats are viscerally brutal and flawlessly timed with the gloomy riffs.

The percussive fills on “Ripened Psychosis” display the sick riffing patent that provides the exclusive grinding aesthetics and delivers meaty death metal riffs, the song twists into a sick rotten mid-tempo. The cavernous growls funnel out the gloomy atmosphere giving something raw and grimy to fans of Cerebral Rot and Funebrarum, with the intense feeling of heaviness in this track has some sporadic double bass kicks that continue to pulverize you.

The doomy touch in the final track “Secreted Effluence Spilling” has some of the best slow sections on the album, the pummeling drums contrast with the savage low growls. Musically, visceral, this twelve-minute track shows the varying elements of the distorted lead that builds up the pace to incorporate primitive death metal into their sound with the effective pacing of the drums.

These fragments take the elements from Cerebral Rot and submerge deeply into the dark swamp with some heavy, raw riffing. In the final minutes of this monolithic track, the guitar brews something dark and crosses into the realms of death-doom metal as you can feel the encroaching darkness engulfing your senses.


  • Music / Songwriting 9/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 10/10
  • Mix / Production 10/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 10/10
  • Originality 8/10

Corpus Offal’s self-titled debut is one of the major albums of the year dedicated to fans of old-school and death-grind metal.

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