Sólstafir premiered new music video for "Her Fall From Grace"

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Icelandic post rock outfit SÓLSTAFIR are now premiering a brand new music video for the song “Her Fall From Grace”. Watch the video at the official Season of Mist Youtube Channel HERE.

Vocalist Aðalbjörn Tryggvason comments:

“We present to you the next single from our upcoming album “Endless Twilight of Codependent Love” entitled, “Her Fall From Grace”. We hope you enjoy it and take from it what you need.”

The track is taken from the band’s upcoming record ‘Endless Twilight of Codependent Love’, which will be released on November 6. Pre-orders are available in the Season of Mist shop HERE.

Video Credits
Video by Gaui H Pic and Faroe – Ice productions
Co-produced by Erin Lynch – FlyingFox AB

1. Akkeri (10:10)
2. Drýsill (08:52)
3. Rökkur (07:06)
4. Her Fall From Grace (06:36)
5. Dionysus (05:31)
6. Til Moldar (04:29)
7. Alda Syndanna (04:30)
8. Or (06:58)
9. Úlfur (08:49)

While early Sólstafir lyrics delved into Nordic mythology and critiques of organized religion, more recent songs explore their spiritual connection with nature, and lately, mental disorders ranging from depression to alcoholism and the taboo behind men in particular discussing those things for fear of being perceived weak.

Vocalist Tryggvason explains:

“That’s the real darkness that you can’t see, but you can feel it and people around you can feel it. Of course, there are serial killers and plagues and whatever through history. But in modern day life, that’s the true darkness around you. People kill themselves every day, and often people close to you who have been feeling so bad.”

He says the most personal song on Endless Twilight of Codependent Love is “Her Fall From Grace,” the lone track in English. It chronicles the pain of watching a loved one succumb to mental illness.

“It’s very sad when you love someone and you see them get sick. Like Layne Staley said, ‘Slow suicide is no way to go.’ But you’re just watching on the audience bench, preparing for the phone call. ‘Hey man, Johnny’s dead.’ ‘All right, I knew Johnny was gonna die. I’ve been watching him in slow motion.’”

He likens the experience to seeing a relative or parent be consumed by Alzheimer’s and turn into a different person than one remembers.

Recording line-up:
Aðalbjörn Tryggvason – Vocals, guitar
Sæþór M Sæþórsson – Guitar
Svavar Austmann – Bass
Hallgrímur Bárðdal – Drums

More Sólstafir online:

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