Architects – The Sky, The Earth & All Between

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In my opinion, Architects has gotten better with each album they released and that resulted in their best album yet called 'All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us' released in 2016. Also, the last album with Tom Searle who died that same year due to skin cancer. But they didn't give up. 'Holy Hell' was not better than 'All Our Gods...' but not that bad either. After that, they got lost a little bit for me. 'For Those That Wish To Exist' was too different and soft and 'The Classic Symptoms Of A Broken Spirit' came too soon after 'For Those...' and I didn't even know it came out at the time. But I stayed a fan nonetheless. But then they released the singles 'Seeing Red', 'Curse' and 'Blackhole', and I was baffled. Architects was back and how. I present to you, 'The Sky, The Earth & All Between'.

‘I’ve done enough. To figure out that nobody can take this feeling.’ That’s how ‘Elegy’ begins and what a powerful sound and a return to form for Sam Carter, who even gives us a massive growl at the end. One of the singles they released is the song ‘Whiplash’ that established the return of the brutal Architects sound even more, and I think that is the sound we all love. Sorry for the lovers of their latest release, but this is still Architects. The one song that baffled me is ‘Blackhole.’ The message, the aggression, the video, the sound. I just have one word for this song, amazing. But the newest fans don’t have to worry. With ‘Everything Ends’ they still embrace their new sound they created, but this album has the message that brutality still is key. There is also room for a collaboration and the honor goes to House Of Protection, a new punk/post-hardcore what you hear in the sound of the song ‘Brain Dead.’ 

It has a real punky feel. After 2 songs that are a little different, it’s time to bring the brutality back with ‘Evil Eyes’ that even contains a catchy chorus. The second chapter of this album contains a mixture of the old and new sound of Architects with songs as ‘Landmines’ and ‘Broken Mirror.’ If there is space for a collaboration with an other band there is also space for a guest appearance. The honor goes to Amira Elfeky who leads the nu-metal renaissance on ‘Judgement Day.’ We end with the oldest singles and a new song. ‘Curse’ that fired up my love for Architects even more. ‘Seeing Red’ was the beginning of the Architects brutal movement. We end the album with ‘Chandelier’ and no it’s not the cover from the pop sensation Sia but their own beautiful creation. I can only say one thing. If there is one album that can compete with ‘All Our Gods Have Abandoned Us’ then it’s this album.

Architects is back with an album that exactly brings back the old Architects with a slice of the emotional sound they created on their newer albums.


  • Music / Songwriting 10/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 10/10
  • Mix / Production 10/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 10/10
  • Originality 10/10

Architects is back with finally an album where brutality is more of a priority. We have to wait several years, but they are finally back.

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