Belgian goregrind powerhouse Brutal Sphincter announce new album ‘Sphinct-Earth Society’


Belgian goregrind powerhouse BRUTAL SPHINCTER will release their new album “Sphinct-Earth Society” on May 23rd 2025 via Time To Kill Records.

With “Sphinct-Earth Society”, the band pushes the boundaries of the genre they inhabit. In other words, by incorporating numerous new influences, ranging from death metal to modern metal, they redefine what goregrind can be, all while maintaining that groovy signature sound that makes them so instantly recognizable.

For example, while the track “Beatdown Syndrome” integrates hardcore elements, the song “Name Three Songs” instrumentally pushes the limits of technicality. Meanwhile, a track like “Abolish Frontex” draws influences from death metal akin to Daath or Decapitated, and a juggernaut like “Unvaxxed Lives Matter” secures its place as a classic in BRUTAL SPHINCTER’s discography thanks to its unparalleled heaviness and ultra-groovy riffs.

Across the 10 tracks that make up this new opus, BRUTAL SPHINCTER tackles societal issues both dramatic (climate change, immigration, sexism, etc.) and conspiratorial (anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers, etc.). As usual, they use their particularly biting humor and embrace absurdity to approach these sensitive topics.

Moreover, the band’s two frontmen complement each other more than ever, delivering a particularly diverse vocal range. Whether you’re a fan of the pitched vocals typical of goregrind, the slimy inhales of slamming death metal, the caveman shouts of powerviolence, or the more traditional growls foundational to death metal, there’s something to enjoy in these 30 minutes of brutality.

With this new offering, BRUTAL SPHINCTER solidifies its position among the leaders of their genre and sets out to expand its reputation into scenes less niche than grindcore.

The first single “Unvaxxed Lives Matter” is now streaming HERE.

The band commented:

“The idea for this song came to us during one of our many frustrations over anti-vaxxers amid the Covid-19 restrictions. Previously, we only knew anti-vaxxers as odd figures from the world of conspiracy theorists who didn’t want to vaccinate their children against polio or measles. However, anti-vaxxers suddenly gained significant prominence in society and, to our absolute bewilderment, managed to spread their views to a larger portion of the population. We noticed that this movement repeatedly portrayed itself as victims, despite not being the group that suffered the most in the context of the pandemic. Shoutout to all the healthcare workers and those who had to be isolated due to their illness.

This phenomenon seemed so ridiculous to us that the name ‘Unvaxxed Lives Matter’ came to mind, clearly referencing the Black Lives Matter movement. From this committed and absolutely necessary movement, other movements quickly emerged, slightly altering the name to portray themselves as victims. Examples include All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, or White Lives Matter, which tend to come from the far-right milieu (source:, p. 293). This, along with a flag with the slogan ‘Unvaxxed Lives Matter’ that was actually photographed at an anti-vaxxer demonstration, inspired us to create a song about this group”.


1. The Prolapse Of Society
2. Tony Hawk Pro-Choice 2022
3. Crusta-Colada (Crack’n Kofola)
4. Unvaxxed Lives Matter
5. Beatdown Syndrome
6. Name Three Songs
7. Sphinct-Earth Society
8. The Juice Did It
9. Persona Non-Greta
10. Abolish Frontex


Offending everyone since April 1st, 2013, BRUTAL SPHINCTER have, over the years, established themselves as one of the leading acts in the current goregrind scene.

Bringing political themes into their music, they dub themselves “POOlitical” and, through offbeat and satirical humor, take a stand against all forms of extremism while championing freedom of speech.

Despite their extreme musical style, they are one of those rare acts that can seamlessly fit into any type of event or festival. They have proven this time and again, performing at some of the biggest metal gatherings in Europe, such as Hellfest, Summer Breeze Open Air, Alcatraz, Motocultor, Party San, Metaldays, and more, as well as at the most extreme metal events like Obscene Extreme, DeathFeast Open Air, Meh Suff, Kaltenbach Open Air and Netherlands Deathfest.

BEWARE! Party, dance, groove, and brutality are the elements they always bring with them to every show.

Eerik Maurage – Guitar
Germain Bodeus – Bass
Jimmy Defays – Unpitched Vocals
Griska Lutgen – Pitched Vocals
Julien Racine – Drums

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