Adorior – Bleed on My Teeth

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After twenty years extreme black/death metal act Adorior slithers out from the depths of hell to convey its satanic wicked concept through the medium of raw fucking metal. The lineup couldn’t be completed without the collaboration of renowned band members such as D. Molestör on drums (Grave Miasma, Ex-Cruciamentum), S. Assassinator as lead guitarist and backing vocals (Qrixkuor), and R.C. on rhythm guitar (ex-Deströyer 666, Göat Molestör) and T on bass guitar (Grave Miasma, and Malthusian).

Adorior’s third studio album infuses a hellish and raw guitar onslaught; the eight tracks pummels with abrasive soloing and maelstrom-like tempos straddled with chaotic intensity. Right off the bat the opening song “Begrime Judas” cements the heinous growling of Jaded Lungs however, Adorior takes many influences from bands like Slayer injecting them into thrashy guitar sections.

There is no doubt that “Bleed on My Teeth” is the strongest release by Dark Descent Records this year, the album is filled with sharp riffing parallel Slayer‘s classic albums like “Hell Awaits”. It’s an all-fired outrage that delivers frantic blast beats and while the riffing is very powerful and frantic executing plenty of hooks, all hell breaks loose in the next song “Ophidian Strike”.

The brutal mid-paced drums shift to machine gun-like blast beats steered by hellish growling, and boisterous tempos igniting relentless riffing in your face, this brutal statement from Adorior brings forth its utter aggression as if the whole album has that atmosphere of unholy hell consuming the world. The riffing shines throughout laden with thrashier and blistering guitar tones; the feverish satanic aura grows intensely when the dual guitars execute savage tempos in the song.

Adorior masterfully maintains a hellish intensity, everything sounds chaotic even when the tempo slows down before shifting into blistering paces; you can hear plenty of influences from bands like Sabbat in the track “L.O.T.P. – Vomit Vomit Vomit Bastard” which has an overwhelming abrasion, its slow evil mid-tempo riffs offer uncompromising aggression.

Blistering riffs cleave through breakneck speed and the rapid pacing displays a unique method of riffing extracted from raw black/death metal. The drums are brutal and keep the momentum, unleashing sporadic blast beats and brutal pummeling in “Precipice of Fire”. The sheer aggression of Adorior emphasizes infectious riffs that storm between mid-paced drumming and furiously driven with tremolo riffs oozing a dense ominous atmosphere.

Bleed on My Teeth” is a killer and no filler album, the band incorporates assertive and barbaric death metal rawness, and “Sips of Sarin” showcases an ironfisted violence that accelerates between the well-crafted rhythm and demonic shrieks providing a backdrop for the blast beats. The music maintains an intellectual approach to the songs, and despite the fast-laden tempos some of the songs like the album highlight “Scavengers of Vengeance” start slowly only to shift towards a chaotic blistering tempo.

The drumming in the album combines aggressive and brutal sections but at the same time unpredictable; there is a slower-paced groove to create diversity among the songs and push dynamics, this also paves the way for plenty of thrash metal riffs showcasing extreme and more complex riffing. “Moment of Mania” instills rapid blasting sections. Adorior influences to speed and thrash metal fit their sound perfectly, the music is mainly primitive; vocalist Melissa Gray aka Jaded Lungs invokes an evil atmosphere with her wicked growls.

Adorior ignites the primordial fires with its classic demonstration stemming from primitive black/death metal, every riff weighs heavily and thunders out loudly in the album; songwriting is another key factor that makes the musicianship flawless from start to finish. The eponymous closing track “Bleed On My Teeth” delivers swift tempos, intense blast beats, and rapid-fire riffs to its simmering fury.

The classic and straightforward integration of the wicked growls, and ominous riffs of classic speed and thrash metal of the band successfully achieves great standards, the track also features some slow epic riffs resulting in infectious moments, and all these evil elements cannot be overlooked when listening to the album, therefore Adorior‘s third full-length album is a great accomplishment from a band that has been around for three decades.


  • Music / Songwriting 9/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 8/10
  • Mix / Production 9/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 9/10
  • Originality 9/10

“Bleed On My Teeth” will be embraced by fans of old-school thrash and black/death metal and comes highly recommended for fans of Slayer, Absu and Angelcorpse.

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