Dark Tranquillity – Endtime Signals

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Sweden’s powerhouse Dark Tranquillity has dominated through a series of innovations with the Gothenburg sound centering on them. The new era for the band began with bestselling albums like 'The Gallery', 'Haven', 'Damage Done' and 'Character' offering some of the most fan favorite melodic death metal albums in our modern times. As a result of their re-invention of sound and direction, which used keyboards and aggressive riffs, Dark Tranquillity has had a massive start: their extensive catalog fully linked to their musical evolution.

Truth is I have somehow lost track of the latest studio works such as ‘Atoma’ and the album ‘Moment’. Having said that Dark Tranquillity bred some catchy tunes on the newest full-length album ‘Endtime Signals’. The opening track ‘Shivers and Voids’ features all the hooky attributes of melodic aggression combined with fantastic synthesizers. The hallmark sound of Gothenburg melodies reigns supremely with Mikael Stanne’s vocals.

Dark Tranquillity approaches songwriting from the same perspective as the 2000 era. At full length the guitars proceed to unleash monsters of riffs on ‘Unforgivable’. The organic drumming of Joakim Strandberg-Nilsson comes to the forefront which perfectly blends dynamics and brutality. Despite the modern and unique, sonic architecture old and new fans are likely to indulge in the aural affairs of the long-awaited album.

Neuronal Fire’ for example focuses on the interplay of the keyboards and the melodic riffing where the cold atmosphere creates a backdrop. The song somehow reminds me of In Flames. From the low vocal pitches and raspier shrieks the riffs showcase a quality in the slower tempo on songs like ‘Not Nothing’.

The futuristic vibe of the album has an almost relaxed tone at times when the clean vocals kick in. Even though the aggressive riffing is an amalgam fraction of thrash and melodeath metal, this song features some catchy guitar solos and face-pounding drum work.

The atmosphere has that sci-fi mood and provides a dark setting for riffing. Of course, an album that has such a great scale of dynamics like this must feature many highlights, such as ‘Drowned Out Voices’ which is one of my favorite songs. The sharp riffing of Johan Reinholdz is rather simplistic. The chugging at the beginning of the track shifts to a catchy chorus and the awe-inspiring backdrop of the synth shimmers with solid riffs and the pulsating bass lines of Christian Jansson.

Dark Tranquillity’s sonic formula of melodic death metal comes close to bands like Hypocrisy. Though in my opinion, both of these bands prosper in their own sonic domain. Some melo tracks that begin with somber clean vocals include plenty of emotional moments and with the use of the keyboards and orchestration, the tempo picks up with powerful riffs. The unbridled creativity of the long-time keyboardist Martin Brändström is well-crafted and adds atmosphere to the music.

While some songs lack the organic feeling of the opening songs, the slower passages are more atmospheric and incorporate melodies. The experimental touch of the electronics and the scorching riffs reshape the song ‘The Last Imagination’ before the riffs and the vicious vocals reach the climax; blending wonderful melodies, rhythm and riffs gearing on a fast-paced tempo.

Power and emotion coalesce in such moments only to add a fresh breath of dynamics. The guitars always have a knack for churning out technical riffs and offer more up-tempo to exquisite songs like ‘Enforced Perspective’. The guitars drop catchy hooks, the drums have that stomping beats and the keyboards add haunting and melancholic melodies. The sleek use of the synthesizer and the reverberating riffs showcase some of the best compositions on ‘Our Disconnect’ which presents some ass-kicking dynamics.

Dark Tranquillity injects aggressive riffing and atmospheric synth. The effort to exploit full innovation on ‘Wayward Eyes’ reminds me of the album ‘Haven’. The track includes some beautiful tones while “A Bleaker Sun” which combines sinister riffs and aggressive pitch vocals maintains the swagger. Dark Tranquillity has succeeded in channeling its sound from previous albums like ‘Character’, ‘We Are The Void’ and crafts something fresh.

The closer ‘False Reflection’ is melodically engaging. The clean vocals appear melancholic with the slow effect of the riffs and the interplaying piano in the background. The music overall emphasizes deep emotions.


  • Music / Songwriting 8/10
  • Vocals / Lyrics 9/10
  • Mix / Production 9/10
  • Artwork & Packaging 8/10
  • Originality 8/10

‘Endtime Signals’ is an immersive and atmospheric album that marks the great flamboyance of these Swedes who offer a high musical performance and creativity.


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